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72 Pettey Ln
Westport, MA 02790
Hours: Open 10am – 2pm today
Order within 9 hours 15 minutes for Same Day Delivery!
Hours: Open 10am – 2pm today
Order within 9 hours 15 minutes for Same Day Delivery!
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AMBER ROSE FLORAL DESIGN offers these additional floral products and services:

  • Wedding Flowers
  • Gifts
  • Tropical/Exotic Flowers
  • Silk/Artificial Flowers
  • Baby Gifts
  • Stuffed Animals
  • Candy/Chocolate
  • Scented Candles
  • Greeting Cards

Floral Lifes Occasions



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Reviews about AMBER ROSE FLORAL DESIGN | Local Westport, MA Florist
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 of 5 stars (8 reviews)

Date: May 23, 2014
Name: Susan M


The flowers that came were very pretty and fresh...they lasted well and I still have a couple of orchids (?) in a small container...all in all you did a great job...sbm
Date: May 09, 2014
Name: Amy F


Wow! I am truly impressed! I ordered online at 10:30am mountain time and in 45 minutes my mother had her beautiful Mother's Day bouquet! Thank you so much!!!!!!
Date: Jan 07, 2014
Name: Amy W


Great job on website, arrangement and delivery. So glad to have a florist in Westport!!! Thank you!
Date: Nov 12, 2013
Name: Natalie K


I received a beautiful floral arrangement for my birthday from my son and his family who live in Wisconsin. He always used a local florist who has just recently retired. We were both very pleased with the arrangement and I'm sure he'll be using Amber Rose again for Mother's Day and my birthdays in the future.
Date: Oct 06, 2013
Name: Darlene G


Amber rose did my flowers for my Halloween wedding in 2012. All I had was a color and some flowers I liked and she made the most amazing bouquet. Absolutely loved them.
Date: Oct 06, 2013
Name: Darlene G


They did an amazing job on my Halloween wedding flowers. I went in with colors and some flowers I liked and they created a wonderful masterpiece.So happy with the way my flowers came out. Recommend them to everyone. Absolutely amazing service and very creative.
Date: Aug 02, 2013
Name: Brittany F


Just wanted to send a BIG THANKS!!! The flowers you did for my wedding on 7/27/13 were beautiful! The service was also excellent, it was so easy to set up my order with you and my flowers were delivered on time. I am so thankful for all of your hard work! I will be back for any of my flower needs.
Date: Jun 11, 2013
Name: Ronald B


Was told the flowers were Beautiful ! Thank-you

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