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7801 N. Lamar Blvd. Unit D86
Austin, TX 78752
Hours: Open 9am – 5pm today
Hours: Open 9am – 5pm today

THE ENCHANTED FLORIST offers these additional floral products and services:

  • Wedding Flowers
  • Gifts
  • Tropical/Exotic Flowers
  • Silk/Artificial Flowers
  • Baby Gifts
  • Stuffed Animals
  • Candy/Chocolate
  • Home Decor
  • Scented Candles
  • Greeting Cards

Local Austin, TX Florist For Over 30 Years! Licensed to Provide Wine & Beer Gourmet Baskets! Same Day Delivery!



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Reviews about THE ENCHANTED FLORIST | Local Austin, TX Florist
Average Customer Rating: 4.9 of 5 stars (8 reviews)

Date: May 24, 2018
Name: D’Linda D


Incredible experience with Enchanted Florist. They were super accommodating to my request. They even went and obtained blooming live flowers for a plant arrangement. My Mother-In-Law is over the moon with her arrangement. She loves the flowers, the gorgeous gold pot, she says it is so full and lovely. None of the flowers or plants were wilted or damaged and they were hand delivered. Every aspect of my experience was above and beyond my greatest expectations. I will certainly be a returning Customer. Thank you so much.
Date: Feb 01, 2018
Name: Cindy R


Enchanted Florist did a wonderful job on a standing spray we ordered for a funeral!! Flowers were fresh and arranged beautifully!! Thank you!!
Date: Aug 03, 2016
Name: Paula O


They were willing to deliver flowers to a location that was ordinarily out of their range even though the website I used directed me to them as one that delivered to this location. I appreciated their willingness to work with me and the arrangement was beautiful!
Date: Jun 28, 2016
Name: Patricia B


I received the most beautiful bouquet of flowers for my birthday from a very dear friend. It was in a heavy square vase (I've been wanting one!!!) and the flowers were fresh and smelled heavenly!
Date: May 23, 2016
Name: Linda Beth B


arrangement didn't arrive until 4:20 pm and I leave at 4:30 pm so it was ok, but any later and it would have been a problem
Date: Mar 27, 2016
Name: Lisa G


I was so pleased with the flowers I ordered for my daughter. It was for a very special occasion and the flowers just had to be beautiful. I plan to use your store again since my children & grandchildren are in Austin. We are moving from Virginia to Austin by the fall & I hope to use your services again. Could you send me the email address that is your specific site? Lisa Gentry
Ryan (Enchanted Florist)'s Reply:
Date: Mar 29, 2016, 9:10 am

Hello, We are glad you enjoyed the flowers! We look forward to further serving your needs in the future and hope that you enjoy moving to Austin! (: Our store phone is: (512) 477-3996 Website: enchantedfloristaustin.com Email: enchantedaustin@yahoo.com Thank again!
Date: Dec 06, 2012
Name: Gabe P


My girlfriend loved the flowers! Thanks!

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