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1657 Prater Way
Sparks, NV 89431
Hours: Open 8am – 6pm today
Hours: Open 8am – 6pm today
Shop Online! Website

FLOWER BUCKET FLORIST offers these additional floral products and services:

  • Wedding Flowers
  • Gifts
  • Wedding/Bridal Gift Registry
  • Tropical/Exotic Flowers
  • Silk/Artificial Flowers
  • Baby Gifts
  • Stuffed Animals
  • Candy/Chocolate
  • Greenhouse/Nursery
  • Greeting Cards
  • Scented Candles

Affordable & Dependable with 2 locations to serve you. Carson City NV 775-883-2577

Product Gallery

Easter Florals

Designer's Choice

$65.00, $75.00, $85.00
Shown at $75.00

Anniversary Flowers

Designer's Choice

$65.00, $75.00, $85.00
Shown at $75.00

Birthday Florals

Designer's Choice

$65.00, $75.00, $85.00
Shown at $75.00

Get Well Florals

Designer's Choice

$65.00, $75.00, $85.00
Shown at $75.00

Product Gallery

Easter Florals Designer's Choice in Sparks, Nevada | FLOWER BUCKET FLORIST

Easter Florals
Designer's Choice

$65.00, $75.00, $85.00
Shown at $75.00

Anniversary Flowers Designer's Choice in Sparks, Nevada | FLOWER BUCKET FLORIST

Anniversary Flowers
Designer's Choice

$65.00, $75.00, $85.00
Shown at $75.00

Birthday Florals Designer's Choice in Sparks, Nevada | FLOWER BUCKET FLORIST

Birthday Florals
Designer's Choice

$65.00, $75.00, $85.00
Shown at $75.00

Get Well Florals Designer's Choice in Sparks, Nevada | FLOWER BUCKET FLORIST

Get Well Florals
Designer's Choice

$65.00, $75.00, $85.00
Shown at $75.00



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Reviews about FLOWER BUCKET FLORIST | Local Sparks, NV Florist
Average Customer Rating: 3.5 of 5 stars (6 reviews)

Date: Jan 06, 2024
Name: Stacy G


My daughter was overjoyed when she received her first ever flowers from her grandma! Unicorn pot with rainbow roses, a cute fox balloon and chocolates! She had eye surgery and my mom was a long way away, and goal accomplished, her grand baby felt the special love and healing vibes. Thank you so very much! My mom says you were so caring and helpful on the phone to help her also!
Date: May 04, 2021
Name: rose s


flowers dead in less than a week owner rude and yells and doesn’t care if she gets your business or not
cathy's Reply:
Date: May 04, 2021, 7:38 pm

who did the yelling.i just let you know that a week later was not a timely complaint and how to prevent a problem in the future. you started yelling not me and telling me how much money your gift was ect .not a good way to resolve anything.i also was letting you know that if you shop here or anywhere how and when to let a flower shop not a grocery store know you are having troubles in a timely time frame.
Date: May 10, 2020
Name: Shirkey G


Absolutely the most My daughter was happy beyond belief. She said it was the most beautiful flowers she ever received. The flowers were much more than I expected. Thank you for making a special day more special.

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