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Wild Violet Florist

54 Calef Highway
Lee, NH 03861
Hours: Closed today
Hours: Closed today

Wild Violet Florist offers these additional floral products and services:

  • Wedding Flowers
  • Gifts
  • Silk/Artificial Flowers
  • Baby Gifts
  • Stuffed Animals
  • Candy/Chocolate
  • Home Decor
  • Scented Candles
  • Greeting Cards

Daily deliveries UNH College Campus! ~ Large selection of Flowers and Gifts!~



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Reviews about Wild Violet Florist | Local Lee, NH Florist
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 of 5 stars (5 reviews)

Date: Mar 10, 2017
Name: Laurie D


"The most beautiful flowers I have ever seen" was the response from our niece after she received the arrangement from Red Carpet. We were delighted. They delivered exactly what I was looking for. The staff was friendly and enthusiastic, the flowers were delivered on time and for a fair price. We could not be happier. If you ever need flowers- use Red Carpet. They are top notch.
Date: Jan 06, 2016
Name: Peter N


Very prompt and friendly with flower delivery.
Date: Aug 09, 2012
Name: Jack .


The staff at the Red Carpet Flower Shop are very knowledgeable about the product they have on hand. It's always fresh and their flowers last for weeks. My wife is always thrilled to get flowers from The Red Carpet delivered to her office at UNH
Date: Nov 26, 2007
Name: John M


I go to the Red Carpet all the time, and everyone there is so nice and they are always so helpful in getting me everything that I could possibly want.
Date: Aug 09, 2006
Name: Karen B


They carefully listened as I explained what I wanted and assured me that the order for my son's birthday will be delivered on time. Added was an out-of-area delivery charge, but that works for me. The same gift basket in nearby Baltimore would have started at a price $2 more than the basket I'm getting from Red Carpet with the $10 charge!

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Wild Violet Florist